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Q.  With what organization are you associated?
A.  We are associated with USSSA and are running their background checks through Verified Volunteers.



Q. My card was declined but my bank has pulled the money out.
A. The odds are your bank has put a hold on the funds. If your funds are not released by 8:00pm, please contact your bank.


Q. My card was declined so I tried it again and now my bank shows the money has been pulled out each time.
A. The odds are your bank has put a hold on the funds. The funds should be released after 8:00pm. The time you applied will determine when your fund are released back to you. 


Q. What is the cost for membership?
A. FCBC membership is $30



Q. How long does the membership last?
A. All FCBC Memberships expire on July 31st of that year.


Q. Do I have to apply every year?
A. Effective 7/1/2014, Florida Law requires a yearly background check be run on coaches and volunteer personnel that have access to our youth. So yes, you have to apply every year. 


Q. How long does it take to get my card?
A. Assuming you submitted the correct information on your application, and your background check has been approved. The turnaround time is 1-2 business days to recieve your card. Delays are usually caused by errors submitted on the application or a hit on your background check. Please make sure you record your information accurately on the application. All online applications will be processed during business hours on the day you fill out the application. Background checks usually are returned to us within 2-3 days. If approved you will be added to the approved coaches list as soon as we receive your approval. Please do not wait till the last minute to apply for your background check and membership card. January - April are very busy months. There may be an additional 24 hour delay during this time. Keep in mind we are doing all we can to make sure that you recieve your card and your name is added to the list in a timely fashion. 


Q. How do I know if there is an error on my application?
A.  We will notify you by phone or email.  If you do not receive your card within 3-5 days (2-3 days processing and 1-2 days emailing card,) be sure to check your email, including your spam/junk folder to see if you have and email from us. 


Q. What type of offenses am I screened for in my background that would cause me to be ineligible to coach?
A.  An Advance Criminal Locator Search will be done through Verified Volunteers   We do not deny misdemeanors. Felonies that appear on background checks will deem you ineligible until you complete an appeal and the appeal is approved.  According to Florida Law there are certain offenses and time constraints, that have the possiblilty of not being approve.  Here is the link to the Florida Statute.


Q.  Who has to have a background check?
A.  All coaches, volunteers who assist at practices and games or game activities on a regular basis.This is a Florida requirement. Please note: Verified Volunteers background screening does not guarantee that actions of abuse or inappropriate behavior by the coach or other bench personnel will not happen. However, it does screen individuals to make sure those that have already demonstrated their inability to be positive role model do not participate in our events. 


Q. How do I know if a coach is approved?
A.  Once a coach is approaved, He or she will receive an email from Verified Volunteers. The email will state that FCBC has recieved your background check and you are clear to proceed to the next steps which is downloading your electronic coaches cards. This electronic membership card is to be on your person at all times during a USSSA event. If a coach has not received his/her card by email within 4 days, he/she should contact us regarding an error.


Q. What if I am denied?
A. Usually, you can appeal the decision. First, Verified Volunteers will notify you through email that a discrepancy has appeared on your background check that may make you ineligible to coach. From there, you are given 10 days to notify us if you believe that the violation is not yours. A letter of denial will be emailed after the 10 days has expired. At this time, you are not approved to coach. If you do not want to wait the 10 days because you feel the charges are yours, you may begin the appeal process as soon as you receive your intial denial email. Another option is to begin the appeal during the same time you submit your application. It is important to follow all directions during the appeal, this will allow us to review your case efficently. We have a governing board that will review your appeal.


Q. Can I turn my application in at my first tournament?
A. No.


Q. When do I have to submit my application in order to be eligible to coach?
A. You may not be approved to coach the coming weekend if your application was submitted after Monday. Background take 48-72 hours, sometime even longer.It is against the law to approve you as a coach before we recieved an approved background from Verfied Volunteers. 


Q. How safe is it to complete my application online?
A.  Extremely safe. Verified Volunteers is one of the countries most trusted background screening agencies. They work closely with the NCAA, PGA Tour, Super Bowl, Miami Dade Public Schools, and many other crediable sources. Keep in mind, we cannot guarantee the safety of any data online, however, Verified volunteers use a secure connection.


Q: What if i am afflifated with a organization Verified Volunteers runs background checks for? 

(Example: NCCA; Miami Dade Public Schools)

A: As long as it has not been over 1 calendar year, you can share that background check with FCBC through your profile page on Verified Volunteers. 


Q. What if I do not have my card before I go to a tournament?
A. You will need to report to the tournament’s central check in. There you will be issued a temporary pass as long as your background check has been approved. All tournament directors have access to the list of approved coaches.  If your background check was not approaved, you are not allowed to coach in ANY USSSA event. 


Q. When does my name appear on the list of members?
A. You should allow up to 4 days after you have completed the application. We have to allow 48-72 hours to receive a background from Verified Volunteers. As soon as we receive an approval on the background check, your name is then added to the approved list.


Q. What happens if cannot download my electronic card? 
A. If for some reason you cannot download the card to your phone, please print the confirmation email. You will be required to show this at all USSSA events. You will not be able to coach, be on the sideline, or enter the event for free without the email or electronic card. All coaches will receive a color coded band at the event that will work in contrast with your electronic card. In order to receive coaches band, you will have to show your electronic coaches card or confirmation email. We encourage you think innovatively and download the card to your phone. 


Q.  I coach more than one team, do I need a card for each team?
A.  No. Keep in mind however, there is a limit of 3 FCBC cards to be issued to each team.


© 2020 by FCBC. Powered by Taylored Sports Management Group

You Take Care Of Players, We Take Care Of You

For Coaches By Coaches

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